Monday, January 9, 2012

Real Snow!

It finally snowed enough to shovel off the walks and driveways.  We got 4 inches early Saturday morning, then the heavens opened and the sun shone in a delft blue sky.  The sky continues clear today, though with snow on the ground the temperature has dropped.  December was an extremely dry month.  The second driest on record.  The ski resorts in our canyons have been pretty bare, but this weekend’s snow gave them enough to make their customers happy.

The cold, stark winters here can be rough on my psyche.  The foggy days, while usually warmer, don’t lift my spirits.  I look forward to the sunshine.  So the bright clear day today is doing much to put me in a better state of mind. 

New Year’s resolutions were apparent this morning at the pool.  The holidays are over and it seems everyone and her sister has resolved to get in shape.  Thus, the pool was crowded.  Several of us paddled around in the deep end, in a holding pattern until lanes opened up.  It’s always this way for the first several weeks after the New Year, then the less motivated start to slip away and by the middle of February it’s down to the stalwarts and semi-stalwarts, thank the gods.  In the meantime, I’ll start my swim circling in the deep end, like a plane waiting to land. 

Our house was filled with young folks yesterday.  Daughters and granddaughters of one of our oldest friends were here for a visit.  They filled our usually quiet house with lots of laughter and loud voices.  Food and gossip and teasing.  And, god bless ‘em, they love my hats.  So, all in all, a really great day.

Well, that’s the extent of my maunderings for today.

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